Puppy Training

Often times we get asked what age they should start puppy training. We recommend starting to train your puppy the very first day you receive him or her. New puppy owners often make the mistake of endlessly worrying about finding the right accessories, puppy treats, or bed. They spend little or no time thinking about how or what they will teach their new puppy. Yes, a puppy needs nutritious food and a safe, warm place to live, but another equally powerful and important biological necessity is the need for a strong leader.

Lead your Puppy

Puppies are naturally hard-wired to follow a leader. A good leader is, strong, stable, and consistent; traits many new puppy owners forget. 

Puppies sense our confidence levels and will take control if they perceive us as weak. When this happens, bad behaviors, such as excessive barking, chewing, leash-pulling, or anxiety, will develop.

The most important thing you can do is become your puppy’s leader. This role doesn’t begin when your dog is six months old or when he’s bad; it should be maintained throughout the entire dog training experience. For your new puppy to grow into a healthy, balanced dog, you must demonstrate leadership from day one!


All dogs become conditioned never to eliminate in their dens. From two to four months of age, most pups pick up on the concept of housebreaking quite easily since it is part of their natural programming.

In the early days of housebreaking you want to make sure the puppy has a place to relieve herself where she feels safe; a place that seems and smells familiar. First thing every morning, bring your puppy outside to the same general area. It is important to remain consistent throughout the process so your puppy can learn the habit.

Once your new puppy has successfully gone outside, it is important to reward the good behavior. It doesn’t have to be a big, loud celebration, but a simple quiet approval or a treat can get the message across of a job well done.

And be sure not to punish your puppy for an accident or do anything to create a negative association with her bodily functions. Stay calm and assertive and quietly remove the puppy to the place where you want him to go.

Dog walking

Please find safe ways to exercise your puppy too! As your puppy’s pack leader, you must help to expend their energy in a productive way. For all dogs, this means a daily walk. Walking in front of your new puppy allows you to be seen as the leader. Conversely, if your dog controls you on the walk, he’s the pack leader. You should be the first one out the door and the first one in. Your puppy should be beside or behind you during the walk.

What do we recommend to have at home before puppy arrives?

- We highly recommend having a crate for your new puppy. This crate will be for the puppy's safety when you are not able to watch him/her closely. The puppy will be much like a baby when you bring him/her home and they discover everything with their mouth. This means that your puppy could ingest an unsafe item if you are not watching closely. Which could lead to vet visits. Many families also use this for sleeping, time outs (if needed), and when you are away. 

-Leash and Collar

-Food and Water Dishes

-Puppy Food with First Ingredient being Meat. Very important! There are many good brands of puppy/dog food. That choice is up to you, although we do send you home with the puppy food we feed to get you started. If you decide to change the food, do it gradually over a week-10 days. Otherwise the puppy may experience loose or watery stools, which could result in weight loss or sickness.

- Probiotics are great to have on hand. These can help aid in digestive health, good coat and overall health. If you puppy/dog gets into the garbage or something he/she isn't suppose to and develops diarrhea, probiotics will help rebuild the flora in the gut. 100% canned pumpkin mixed in the food does the same thing.  

-We highly recommend watching Puppy training videos (They have many on YouTube)! It is very important that the whole family is on the same page with training, including children. It will confuse the new puppy if some of the humans expect good behavior and then the children or spouse reward biting, jumping and rough play. Remember your puppy will grow into a large dog. (We always recommend Positive Dog Training) 

-Lots of time to potty train. We start potty training at Two weeks old, as soon as puppies start walking. But you can expect to take your puppy out every hour or two until they get the hang of your routine and house. Some families like to use the" bell method". You can hang bells on the door and ring them when you take puppy out. Pretty soon puppy will ring the bells all by themselves to get your attention when they have to go outside.